About the Site
Zarabadoo.com was started quite a few years ago and the first domain that I bought with me in mind. It was when I was just starting to learn about web development and I wanted a place to store all those things about me and practice all this “cool” web design stuff.
It has gone through many redesigns and had fluctuating content and random and inconsistent updates. It has been host to web comics, galleries, forums and (of course) a blog. I am sure it will continue to change and evolve as I do. Zarabadoo.com is probably one of the best learning experiences I have ever had.
Backend Functionality
The site is hosted on a great hosting service named Site5. They provide a hell of a lot of space for a hell of a price. This is not to mention they provide Ruby and Ruby on Rails support. They are definitely worth checking out for all the other unique services they have. The stuff I mentioned is just skimming the top.
This site currently runs on a CMS called Textpattern. It is powered by PHP and uses MySQL for the database. I am also using gallery software called Gallery. It also uses PHP and MySQL.
This is a list of the Textpattern plugins I currently use or am playing with. The ones that are inactive may not have a valid purpose in my site, but they are useful for many other things. I am just one of those types that likes new toys. More plugin can be found at the Textpattern Resources page.
- zem_ir 0.5 by Threshold State
- CSS/PNG image replacement plugin [inactive]
- glx_code 0.3 by Johan Nilsson
- Transforms a txt-file to a nice code presentation [active]
- ran_tags 0.2 by Ran Aroussi
- Enables tagging in your TXP-powered blog. [inactive]
- asy_sitemap 0.7 by Sencer Yurdaguel
- Generates a gz-compressed Google-Sitemap. [active]
- txp.icio.us 1.3 by Marshall Potter
- Display Del.icio.us bookmarks as easily as TXP links. [inactive]
- rss_suparchive 0.16.1 by Rob Sable
- Article listings by date or by category/section
Archive menu by month or year with totals [active] - Beginning 0.6 by See Help
- Automatic Excerpt Generation [active]
- stw_category_tree 0.7.1 by Sandor Weisz
- Displays categories into a hierarchical structure, and allows starting and stopping at prescribed depths. Plus some CSS stuff. [inactive]
- rss_unlimited_categories 0.3 by Rob Sable
- Enable unlimited categories (tags) per article. [inactive]
- mdp_calendar 1.0 by Marshall Potter
- Provides a customizable Calendar overview of posts. [active]
- rss_article_edit 0.1 by Rob Sable
- Add edit article links to your public site. [active]
- rss_live_archive 0.5 by Rob Sable
- Live archives. [inactive]
- chh_if_data 0.10 by Coke Harrington
- Show a block of text only if enclosed Txp tags produce some output. [active]
- upm_date_archive 0.1.6 by Mary
- Simple, clean and efficient date archive listings. [active]
- rsx_plugins_list 1.0 by Ramanan Sivaranjan
- Display a list of plugins currently installed. [active]
- ied_plugin_composer 0.4 by Yura Linnyk
- Write and publish plugins easily [active]
- SimplePie Plugin for Textpattern 1.2 by Ryan Parman and Geoffrey Sneddon
- Textpattern plugin for SimplePie: a super-fast, easy-to-use RSS and Atom parser. [active]
- ako_social 0.2 by Adrian Kostrubiak
- An easy way of letting people add your posts to various social bookmarking sites. [active]
- rss_admin_quikpik 0.6 by Rob Sable
- Admin menu interface [inactive]
- zem_contact_reborn by TXP Community
- Form mailer for Textpattern [inactive]
- zem_contact_lang by TXP Community
- Language plug-in for Zem Contact Reborn [inactive]